速報APP / 工具 / Home Page

Home Page





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本


Home Page(圖1)-速報App

To manage your all installed apps in your phone. all apps in one page. All top site in on click.

Home Page(圖2)-速報App

Everyone installs apps often and this results in a clogged interface. Homepage resolves that issue and de-clutters it by creating a special dashboard with icons for all your apps. This allows you to quickly start a particular app but also archive those unused ones. Homepage offers a section for your top sites as well.

Home Page(圖3)-速報App

Main features:

Home Page(圖4)-速報App

- One screen to manage all apps. The power of Homepage is giving you quick access to all apps installed on your device in a single place. The icons are quick shortcuts to start particular apps and are ordered by usage.

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- Easy insert new apps. You often install new apps & games (who doesn't) so Homepage is able to refresh the list and show the new apps as well with a single tap.

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- Archive apps. You might not want to see all your apps on Homepage and thus you can Archive them. This moves the app icons into a special Archived Apps section. Just tap-and-drag the icons of the apps you want to archive.

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- Your top sites. Just as offering quick access to your apps, Homepage offers a dashboard for the top websites you visit. By default it starts with a list of the most important sites by country. You can archive sites as well.

Home Page(圖8)-速報App

- Simple interface. Homepage has a very simple interface as its main purpose is to help you access your apps faster. It also includes a quick shortcut to search on Google.